A research project for developing tools for dance creation and education. This amazing project started in 2011 in Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM) where professionals in dance and technology shared their knowledge.

Now there is a open source Toolkit available to download: RAMDanceToolkit

YCAM InterLab + Yoko Ando Joint Research and Development Project “Reactor for Awareness in Motion (RAM)”


From the 28th to the 31th of May of 2013 took place the Puppit Lab at Montemor-o-novo Marionette Festival.

Lab-Puppit is a digital puppetry workshop.
We share our research methodology for building and rigging virtual marionettes and explore manipulation techniques.
The video shows the result performance from the 4 days workshop, which was presented at the 6th Montemor-o-novo Marionette Festival.
In this performance the participants performed with two puppets using body motion captured by two Microsoft Kinects; two WIImotes were mapped to two flying buttons (props); an iPad and an iPhone were used to control the face expression of the puppets and to control scene events.
Performers: Bruno, Isa, Ricardo, Nuno

Live Music (not the music in the video): Ricardo, Grifu
Voice (not in the video): Sónia

Workshop oriented by Sónia Barbosa, Luís Grifu
