Henson Digital puppetry studio

The state of the art of digital puppetry in television.

Henson company inherit the vision of  is master puppeteer, Jim Henson. They are  exploring new techniques to create performance animation and real-time shows.

They mix the optical with Waldo´s motion capture  for body and hand performance.


Music & Emotions at CLIP – Porto International School by INAUTISMO

An event to raise awareness of autism and the research that is being made in this field. An opportunity to present activities and projects for therapy or for stimulating people with spectrum disorder.

“Paralelamente aos workshops, contamos com convidados especiais que vieram alegrar ainda mais este evento, os palhaços do O””pital com as suas brincadeiras, a deficiwood com artigos em madeira feitos à mão e a universidade do porto com o projecto “Virtual-Marionette”, um espaço de exploração da animação performativa (tempo real), recorrendo a interfaces digitais recreando os tradicionais controladores de marionetas.” Reference

ToyWorlds is an artistic installation, a body motion game for two players that stimulates the use of our body in particular our hands to manipulate puppets like marionettes. The player must control a virtual marionette and try to catch boxes with the puppets body or by looking at the boxes.


Structure of the puppet´s booth


A preview of the game.