Common Spaces performance at Maus Hábitos

Common Spaces performance on ELO (Electronic Literature Organization) Conference in the 18th of July in Maus Hábitos – Porto.

Common Spaces rehearsal

After Gato Vadio in Porto, Salão Brasil in Coimbra, Conde Duque in Madrid, we return to Porto for a new performance.

Common Spaces was performed by members of the Retroescavadora: Rui Torres, Luís Aly, Luís Leite (Grifu), Nuno M.

Common Spaces is an experimental performance that translates spatial poetry into a multidisciplinary collaborative environment that gathers the physical and the virtual spaces. This performance mixes in realtime distinct types of media in a sort of multi-modal orchestrate. A multi-sensorial performance based on our hand gestures (Leap Motion), vision (camera) and voice (microphone).
The common-space derives from the notion of common ground as the medium and the process of communication. It can be understood as a mutual understanding among interactors – as the iterative process of conversation for exchanging evidences between communicators – as an interface.


Electronic Literature Organization brought to Porto the state of the art of the field. The Conference was hosted by University Fernando Pessoa, and the Festival and Exhibits were held in the center of the historic city.



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This week I have attended to the EICS 2017 in Lisbon, were I have met many wonderful people such as Paul Dourish that published a new book called “The Stuff of Bits”, or Gilbert Cockton the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Interactions.

Demo and poster of Mani-Pull-Action at EICS

Demo and poster of Mani-Pull-Action at EICS

The 9th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems was full of interesting interactive surprises. A great place to get to know new trends, and innovative approaches about interactive systems.

I had the privilege to present a full paper entitled “Mani-Pull-Aciton: Hand-based Digital Puppetry” and to provide a live demonstration to all the participants. A great opportunity to get feedback about this work.