In the international day of the marionette Alma d’Arame promoted a round table to discuss about puppetry and the essence of the marionette.

The discussion panel was constituted by researchers, artists and by the Regional Director of Cultural of Alentejo.

Christine Zurbach was the moderador (PhD in Literatura Comparada / Estudos de Tradução). The guests were: Ana Paula Amendoeira (Regional Director of Cultural of Alentejo), Amândio Anastácio (Mestre em Teatro, Art Director of Alma d’Arame), Paulo Simões Rodrigues (Professor Auxiliar na Universidade de Évora e Presidente do CHAIA), Luís Grifu (Director of the Multimedia Departamento and Director of the Master Degree in Interactive Media at ESMAD)

Interview to the “Ler o Mundo em Português” magazine directed by Carlos Fragateiro about the new technologies and the invention of the future. Perspectives on how to make things in the future.

The interview can be accessed directly through this page!